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Tree Cities of the World Standards

Recognition through the Tree Cities of the World programme represents the first step toward achieving a green vision for the city. To receive recognition, a town or city must meet five core standards:

Standard 1

Establish Responsibility

The city has a written statement by city leaders delegating responsibility for the care of trees within the municipal boundary to a staff member, a city department, or a group of citizens—called a Tree Board.

Standard 2

Set the Rules

The city has in place a law or an official policy that governs the management of forests and trees. These rules describe how work must be performed—often citing best practices or industry standards for tree care and worker safety—where and when they apply, and penalties for noncompliance.

Standard 3

Know What You Have

The city has an updated inventory or assessment of the local tree resource so that an effective long-term plan for planting, care, and removal of city trees can be established.

Standard 4

Allocate the Resources

The city has a dedicated annual budget for the routine implementation of the tree management plan.

Standard 5

Celebrate Achievements

The city holds an annual celebration of trees to raise awareness among residents and to acknowledge citizens and staff members who carry out the city tree programme.

A program of:

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