Benefits of the Tree Cities of the World Programme
Tree Cities of the World provides direction, assistance and worldwide recognition for your community’s dedication to its urban forest. The programme provides a framework for a healthy, sustainable urban forestry program in your town or city. And the benefits are substantial.
Reduce costs for energy, stormwater management, and erosion control. Trees yield 3–5 times their cost in overall benefits to the city.
Boost property values across your community. Properly placed trees can increase property values from 7–20%. Buildings in wooded areas rent more quickly, and tenants stay longer.
Build stronger ties to your neighborhood and community. Trees and green spaces directly correlate to greater connections to neighbours.
Honor your community and demonstrate your commitment to a healthier environment through Arbor Day celebrations and Tree Cities of the World recognition.
Benefit from a framework for action provided by the five core standards. Communities can use the Tree Cities of the World standards as a way to begin caring for city trees or enhance urban forest management through improved ordinances, innovative programs, and increased emphasis on planting and care.
Educate people living in your city about the value of trees and the importance of sustainable tree management. Annual participation as a Tree City provides this opportunity and makes it easier to engage individuals and organizations throughout the city.
Improve community pride. Participation in the Tree Cities of the World programme helps residents feel good about the place they live and work. Annual recognition shows visitors and prospective residents that trees, conservation, and the environment are important to your community.
Gain publicity with recognition materials. Tree boards, parks departments, public works officials, and volunteers are recognized for the valuable work they provide to the community. Many communities share their Tree Cities of the World recognition across city departments as well as with elected officials, students, and business leaders.
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