Arbor Day Foundation Receives Award to Grow Natural Climate Solutions


LINCOLN, Nebraska (September 22, 2020) - Through the generous support of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Nature Conservancy’s Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator program announced the award of $860,000 to be split among five projects designed to help scale climate change mitigation by capturing and storing carbon on natural and working lands in the U.S. 

The Arbor Day Foundation is proud to receive a $200,000 award from the Accelerator Program to develop and launch Reforestation Hubs—public-private partnerships anchored in cities intended to turn wood-waste into valuable resources to be reinvested in tree planting and maintenance. These Reforestation Hubs will create a source of local capital, invest in nursery capacity, and engage local businesses, residents, and policymakers to drive tree planting and maintenance in urban centers and surrounding landscapes. Arbor Day Foundation will partner with Cambium Carbon to will conduct the stakeholder and city official engagement, collect and analyze tree data, and launch projects in 2-4 U.S. cities to improve carbon storage.

“The Nature Conservancy's NCS Accelerator Grant will be catalytic in scaling the Reforestation Hub model. TNC's support will help pilot this model in cities across the US—and provide the runway to build out a broader pipeline of projects in the future” said, Kyle Kornack, Manager of Innovation and Social Enterprise at the Arbor Day Foundation.

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