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Arbor Day Specialty Coffee – A Unique and Memorable Holiday Gift that Gives Back

date 12/02/14

For more information, contact

Jeff Salem, Director of Communications & Public Relations,   email

Every Cup Saves Irreplaceable Rain Forest and Supports Coffee Farming Families

Nebraska City, Neb. (December 2, 2014) – Celebrate this year's holiday season with friends and loved ones while supporting conservation and tree planting with the help of the Arbor Day Foundation.

The Arbor Day Foundation offers a unique holiday giving opportunity with conservation benefits that will endure for generations, all made possible through the purchase of quality, sustainable, shade-grown Arbor Day Specialty Coffee.

Protecting rain forests and farmers, Arbor Day Specialty Coffee is part of the Arbor Day Foundation Rain Forest Rescue program. Each cup helps to preserve irreplaceable rain forests that are home to many plant and animal species which are vital to our way of life. In addition, the purchase of Arbor Day Specialty Coffee helps to ensure a fair wage and access to healthcare and education for the coffee farming families in Latin America.

One example of rain forest farmers and families benefitting from Arbor Day Specialty coffee is that of Artemia Rojas Castillo. Artemia supports her Peruvian family by farming shade-grown coffee. She began growing coffee with her husband on their tree-covered farm at the foot of a mountain in Cajones, Peru, more than two decades ago. They worked hard together building their farm and nurturing their coffee plants in the shade of the rain forest so the crop could sustain them and their five children.

When her husband passed away, Artemia continued on with coffee farming. Because of the higher price she earns for the superior shade-grown crop, she is able to support her family. "For us, it is a very important plant," she said. "It brings us everything. We have all seen this. To take care of our children and educate them. It is the most important plant that we have."

She sees coffee not only as a way to support her family. It is also vital to her community. "For all of the community, for them it is life. It is the plant that does everything for us. It's food, it's happiness--all of it. It is life."

Artemia has a clear appreciation for the role the rain forest trees play in her coffee farm--shielding the plants from the harsh summer sun, providing nutrients and allowing the coffee to mature slowly for a richer flavor. She also understands the need to maintain the rain forest from a larger ecological standpoint as well. She spoke of the importance of conserving the trees and how her land is rich with birds that she enjoys hearing while she farms.

Two of Artemia's children remain with her today, working beside her in the coffee fields. They will carry on the tradition of growing coffee under the canopy of the rain forest.

Arbor Day Specialty Coffee helps protect the planet's critical remaining rain forests and the communities that call them home. Arbor Day Specialty Coffee makes a measureable difference to people and the planet.

Arbor Day Specialty Coffee is available at

About the Arbor Day Foundation: The Arbor Day Foundation, founded in 1972 on the centennial of the first Arbor Day, is a million member nonprofit conservation and education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. More information about the Foundation and its programs is available at


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