date 06/18/98
For more information, contact
Jeff Salem, Director of Communications & Public Relations, emailNebraska City, Neb.--The Hain Food Group, Inc., and The National Arbor Day Foundation are working together to reforest an area of Flathead National Forest. The Hain Food Group has given the Arbor Day Foundation $10,000 for the planting of 10,000 trees in forest land that was ravaged by fire in 1994.
The lightning-caused fire burned 10,343 acres on the Tally Lake Ranger District of the Flathead National Forest, near Glacier National Park. Officials of the Arbor Day Foundation and the Hain Food Group say the reforestation effort is important in restoring wildlife habitat and stream and soil stabilization.
"We're grateful to the Hain Food Group for helping make this vital work possible," said John Rosenow, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. "This forest is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including such large animals as deer, elk, moose, black bear, and mountain lion, and such uncommon birds as the boreal owl and black-backed woodpecker. Gray wolves and grizzly bears have also been observed there, so it really is an important wildlife area."
The Hain Food Group, which includes the Westbrae and Little Bear brands, is known for its commitment to natural foods and to a cleaner environment. The National Arbor Day Foundation, a nonprofit education organization that helps people plant and care for trees, was founded in 1972 and today includes a million members across the country.