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Milliken Carpet and National Arbor Day Foundation Join in Reforestation Project

date 07/01/99

For more information, contact

Jeff Salem, Director of Communications & Public Relations,   email

Nebraska City, Neb.--Milliken Carpet, of La Grange, Georgia, and The National Arbor Day Foundation have joined forces to plant 26,571 trees in fire-ravaged national forests.

Through the arrangement, Milliken Carpet, inventors of an innovative reconditioning process, contributed the cost of planting one tree for every yard of Earth Square carpet sold. In September through December of 1998, the cooperative agreement resulted in 76 acres of Flathead National Forest being replanted with such indigenous trees as Douglasfirs, pines, and spruces. Among other benefits, the new trees will provide habitat for deer, elk, moose, grizzly bears, mountain lions, and other wildlife species.

"The heightened environmental senstivity of corporations, organizations, and the government fueled dramatic growth in our Earth Square Program last year," said Bill Blackstock, Earth Square market manager. "We wanted to give something back to the environment beyond the scope of our own program. This reforesting effort provided a way for us and our clients to help future generations enjoy the benefits of trees."

Arbor Day Foundation President John Rosenow praised Milliken Carpet's commitment
to the nation's forests and to waste and landfill reduction. "Milliken deserves our thanks, both for their support in replanting forests, and for their leadership in recycling and reconditioning material that would otherwise crowd our landfills for years to come."

Milliken's Earth Square Program provides an environmental alternative to discarding old carpet. Through the Earth Square process, used carpet is renewed through a closed loop recovery system. The result is carpet that is cleaned, re-textured, and restyled for re-use in commercial facilities. Earth Square has won the Evergreen Award from the U.S. General Services Administration, the Renew America Certificate of Achievement, and the Keep America Beautiful Award.

Milliken Carpet is a division of Milliken & Company, a global textile and chemical manufacturer based in Spartansburg, South Carolina. The National Arbor Day Foundation is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to tree planting and environmental stewardship.

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