Sources for More Information
Bulletin #82: Trees and Water
Useful Quick Links
Here are links to sites related to content in Bulletin No. 81 and listed in order of appearance in the bulletin:
- The Earth as Modified by Human Action, a pioneering book by George Perkins Marsh that recognizes the relationship between trees, water, climate, and environmental quality in general. redirect
- i-Tree Hydro is part of the i-Tree software suite available for free to help analyze and quantify the benefits of urban trees and community forests. Navigate to the application, i-Tree Hydro. redirect
- The Arbor Day Foundation’s Trees Tame Stormwater poster. This educational tool is available online at no cost.redirect
- The Ooze Tube watering system available from the Arbor Day Foundation for purchase. redirect
- Groasis Waterboxx Plantcocoon® described in detail and available for sale from Dew Harvest LLC. redirect
Helpful Organizations
- The Encyclopedia of Earth redirect
- National Agroforestry Center redirect
- Natural Resources Conservation Service redirect
- Permaculture Institute redirect
- Soil & Water Conservation Society redirect
- Urban Water Federal Partnership redirect
Publications Worth Noting
Towards a new understanding of forests and water redirect by I. Calder, T. Hofer, S. Vermont and P. Warren
An overview of the state of knowledge about rural forest and water interactions and issues in forest and water policy. A Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Stormwater to Street Trees: Engineering Urban Forests for Stormwater Management redirect by the EPA
Available for downloading.
More Information from the Arbor Day Foundation
A number of other pages at are dedicated to water topics.
View a list of sites
Last Updated: 03/25/19
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