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How to Make Trees Storm Resistant

Tree City USA Bulletin #75 — Sources for More Information

There is considerable information available beyond that which could be fit into the 8-page bulletin. We attempted to draw from the best scientific sources and summarize the key information, but below you will find quick links to much more. These are considered only as starting points for a much broader body of information that can help make urban forests more storm resistant.

Outstanding Online Publications

  • The Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program at the University of Florida has a comprehensive publication available as well as a wealth of other information.
  • Trees and Ice Storms - The Development of Ice-Storm-Resistant Urban Tree Populations produced by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides historical background and a large amount of current information to prevent ice storm damage.
  • Storms over the Urban Forest published by the U.S. Forest Service is one of the classics on this topic. It is an older publication but still highly valuable for planning to protect community forests from storm damage and how to respond when it occurs.

Street Tree Stability



Resistant Species

Care for Trees After a Storm


  • i-Storm is one of the suite of i-Tree programs designed to help communities quantify and manage the urban forest and the eco-services it provides. This one helps with rapid assessment of storm damage and the amount of help that will be needed for cleanup.

Last Updated: 03/25/19

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