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Get Involved

The importance of tropical rain forests is undeniable. You can help save this integral piece of the planet.

Spider monkey

Contribute to Rain Forest Rescue

Your donation makes a real difference in terms of trees and all the life they support. Contributions to Rain Forest Rescue fund local programs making strides to protect the rain forest and educate those who rely on it for survival.

Support Sustainably Produced Rain Forest Products

An important step in preserving the rain forest is helping people native to these lands earn a good living by making sustainable use of their ancestral homeland. That means supporting imports of materials like resins, latex, fruits, nuts, wood products and rattan sustainably harvested from the rain forest. Become an educated consumer—if you don’t know where it came from, ask.

Visit a Rain Forest

In addition to expanding your knowledge of rain forests and how to save them, your tourist dollars will help persuade developing countries of the economic value of maintaining these crucial ecosystems.

Drink Shade-Grown Arbor Day® Coffee

The beans for our award-winning coffee are grown organically under the shade of native rain forest trees. These products provide the economic incentive necessary for local farmers and their families to build schools, support medical centers, improve water quality and protect their ancestral rain forests.

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