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Hazelnuts as Food


Hazelnuts are one of the world’s most popular nuts. With their great taste, high protein content, high amount of essential vitamins and flavorful cooking oil more and more chefs are adding hazelnuts to their menu.

Types of Food

Hazelnuts are tasty nuts that are high in protein and a number of essential vitamins. They are currently used in a number of different ways.

Hazelnuts have not yet met their full potential of products and, in mass production, they could be a main component of a healthy diet. Many of the top chefs are choosing to include hazelnuts in more and more recipes and dishes because of their excellent flavor and health value.

Health Benefits

High in protein, vitamins, folate with heart-healthy fats-and great flavor!

Cooking Oil

Add flavor and healthy Omega fats when you cook with hazelnut oil.

Hazelnut Profile Compared to Other Nuts PDF, 130 B

Compare the nutrition value of hazelnuts to other types of nuts.

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