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To be eligible for a TD Green Space Grant, your municipality must meet the following criteria:

  • Projects must take place within TD’s footprint in the United States or Canada. Preference will be given to projects in areas that primarily serve low- to moderate-income residents or take place in equity-seeking communities.
  • Primary applicant must have a vested interest in the success of the project and local connection to the community. Preference will be given to applicants based in the community where the project is taking place.
  • Special consideration will be given to those projects that address the current year's program theme, “Using Green Infrastructure to Cool Vulnerable Neighborhoods”
  • Primary applicants are strongly encouraged to apply in partnership with community partners such as the municipality, nonprofit organizations, schools, businesses, etc.

    Note: If the primary applicant is not the municipality, a letter of participation must come from the municipality stating their approval of the project and your ownership of its execution and long-term investment in the community.

  • For U.S. Applicants Only:
    • Preference will be given to currently recognized Tree City USA communities or those interested in becoming a Tree City USA community over the next calendar year.
    • To identify the LMI status of your project, visit the FFIEC Geocoding/Mapping System. (Type in the exact address with city, state, and zip code then search. When the info comes up on the left, select Census Demographic Data. Look for the Tract Income Level. If your project serves an area that says Low or Moderate, it falls within this parameter.)

List of Eligible States and Provinces

Eligible U.S. States Eligible Canadian Provinces & Territories
Connecticut Alberta
Delaware British Columbia
Florida Manitoba
Maryland New Brunswick
Maine Newfoundland and Labrador
Massachusetts Nova Scotia
New Hampshire Ontario
New Jersey Prince Edward Island
New York Quebec
North Carolina Saskatchewan
Pennsylvania Yukon
Rhode Island Northwest Territories
South Carolina  
District of Columbia  

Questions? Contact the grants administrator at .

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