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Arbor Day Foundation Conferences to Focus on Ecosystem Restoration, New Bridge Technology

date 10/01/99

For more information, contact

Jeff Salem, Director of Communications & Public Relations,   email

Nebraska City, Nebraska--Upcoming national conferences at Arbor Day Farm's Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City, Neb., will explore innovative conservation practices and techniques. The 260-acre Arbor Day Farm, part of the original estate of Arbor Day founder J. Sterling Morton, is owned and operated by The National Arbor Day Foundation.

"Wood in Transportation" will be held Nov. 4-5, and is offered by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service's National Wood in Transportation Information Center and the Forest Products Laboratory. The conference will present nationally known speakers who will discuss the practical and conservation value of wood products in bridges and other transportation structures. It is designed for contractors, builders and developers, community and government leaders, engineers, and anyone else interested in new transportation technology. Two local timber bridges will be used as demonstration sites during the conference.

"The Practice of Restoring Native Ecosystems" is being held Nov. 8-9. Sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with Land and Water Magazine, the conference will examine the principles behind restoration as well as important issues, approaches, and techniques. Alan Watson Featherstone, founder of an organization that helped restore the Caledonian Forest of his native Scotland, will be a featured speaker. Other sessions will explore restoration of regions as diverse as prairies, hardwood wetlands, national forests, deserts, and Louisiana's Cajun Prairie. "Restoring Native Ecosystems" will be of special interest to environmental planners, engineers, landscape architects, restorationists, foresters, ecologists, biologists, and anyone interested in restoration work.

Costs and additional information about the conferences are available by contacting The National Arbor Day Foundation, P.O. Box 81415, Lincoln, NE 68501-1415, tel. (402) 474-5655, e-mail: [email protected]. The Arbor Day Foundation is a nonprofit education organization dedicated to tree planting and environmental stewardship.

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