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Wells Fargo and Arbor Day Foundation Target Disaster Recovery, Replanting in National Forests

date 12/06/12

For more information, contact

Jeff Salem, Director of Communications & Public Relations,   email

Lincoln, Neb. (December 6, 2012) – The continued partnership between Wells Fargo and the Arbor Day Foundation has resulted in 120,000 trees being planted to date in national forests and more than 7,000 tree seedlings distributed in communities across the country, including households recovering from last year's tornado in Joplin, Missouri.

One of Wells Fargo's signature contributions to replanting has been in Pere Marquette State Forest in upper Michigan. In Pere Marquette, the generous contribution of corporate partners like Wells Fargo has resulted in the addition of hundreds of thousands of Jack pine trees, improving habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler songbird.

Wells Fargo is also supporting replanting that is currently underway in Six Rivers National Forest, which stretches from the Oregon-California border for about 140 miles and contains nearly one million acres of forestland in northwest California. The six rivers after which the forest was named -- the Smith, Klamath, Eel, Trinity, Van Duzen and Mad -- support exciting recreational activities such as kayaking and whitewater rafting. The rivers also support large populations of Chinook and Coho salmon, and steelhead, rainbow and cutthroat trout.

The Joplin seedlings distribution is part of the Foundation's Joplin Tree Recovery Campaign. The newly-planted trees in Joplin and other areas will yield numerous community benefits, including lower energy bills, cleaner air and water, increased property values and neighborhood beauty.

"Wells Fargo has been an attentive partner in campaigns to replant in our national forests and restore the benefits of community trees throughout the country," said John Rosenow, founder and chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation.

More information on Wells Fargo's partnership with the Foundation can be found at

The tree planting in state and national forests is part of the Arbor Day Foundation's continued partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Through these partnerships, the Foundation has planted 25 million trees in more than 200 projects in the past 20 years.

About the Arbor Day Foundation: The Arbor Day Foundation is a nonprofit conservation and education organization of one million members, with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information on the Foundation and its programs can be found at, or by visiting us on Facebook, Twitter, or our blog.

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